“中国昆明国际石博览会”创办于2007年,已连续成功举办17届,是云南省唯一一个通过UFI全球展览业协会认证的国际品牌展会,展会贯以“弘扬石文化·繁荣石产业”为宗旨,已然成为助推云南省石产业发展的重要平台和风向标。每年7月,全球石友、藏家、珠宝设计师、专家学者等云集春城昆明,展会共服务参展企业 20,000+,接待观众超过 1,800,000 人次。
Expo Overview:
"China Kunming International Stone Expo" was founded in 2007 and has been successfully held for 17 consecutive times. It is the only international brand exhibition in Yunnan Province that has passed the certification of UFI (Union of international Fairs). With the purpose of "promoting stone culture and prospering stone industry", the exhibition has become an important platform and vane to promote the development of stone industry in Yunnan Province. Every July, stone enthusiasts, collectors, jewelry designers, experts and scholars from all over the world gather in Kunming. It serves more than 20,000 exhibitors and receives more than 1,800,000 visitors.
● 2007 年举办至今,共服务参展企业 18,000+,接待观众超过 2,800,000 人次;
● 参展企业2500+,展满意度 98.48%,专业观众 11,560 人次,观众满意度 97.79%,展会期间共实现4.5亿销售额。
Our Purpose: "promoting stone culture and prospering stone industry"
- 20,000+ exhibitors and 1,800,000+ visitors since 2007;
- This year 2500+ exhibitors with 98.48% satisfaction rate; 11,560 professional visitors with 97.79% satisfaction rate ; 450 million sales revenues total during the expo.
After 17 years build up of China Kunming International Stone Expo, stone enthusiasts, collectors, jewelry designers, experts and scholars from over 23 countries gather in Kunming every July.
Large-Scale Expo:
“2023 China Kunming International Stone Expo” over 50000m²with 2500+ exhibitors (98.48% satisfaction rate) and 11,560 professional visitors (97.79% satisfaction rate), 450 million sales revenues total during the expo.
200+ industry medias In-depth reprots; 50+ buyer groups; 40+conferences and events to promote the deal during the expo.